Monday, November 5, 2007


Opening Comments:
Susan Patrick, CEO NACOL
Take Aways:

China continues to challenge the status quo - pushing the US to stay on her toes
  • China gets it - they know if they can learn to apply their knowledge creatively, innovatively, express their opinions they have a chance to dominate
  • China's collaboration with the UK to provide online education
We must continue to work with state legislatures to break down the models established to support the industrial age and develop new ways of thinking to support the information age

Four reasons for developing an online educational options
  1. Expanding options for kids
  2. Rapidly Growing as a viable option
  3. Effective
  4. Improves teaching
Key Note Speaker: Jacki Huba

The church of the customer -
The power of one person

I recognize the power of one person - much like the Tipping Point suggests, word of mouth may be the best marketing strategy

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