Thursday, July 16, 2009

Estes Park "True - isms"...

The Equestrian world is just a microcosm of educational truths.....

"Success Breeds Success"
"Positive Reinforcement"
"Meaningful and Timely Feedback"
"Practice makes Perfect"
"Relevancy and Purpose"
"Connectedness and Ownership"

But in the end, we are dealing with the human spirit - a delicate and complex being. How much criticism can the Ego withstand? How much pressure can an individual place upon themselves? And truly when do we accept that all that occurs is exactly what is meant to occur; that the lessons are laid before us for the experiencing?

So I suppose, "green" horses learn to stand still to be braided and "green" riders perfect their body position to yield the best performance from their animal. Young riders are mentored by the more experienced amateur riders. And in some cases simply must find the strength within themselves to trust in the moment for exactly what it is... even if not accompanied by the coveted blue ribbon.

So, in the world of education, what is the "blue ribbon" for our learners? Is it the "A" on the report card? Is it the bragging rights to valedictorian? Or is it the internal knowledge that as an individual being you know more today than you knew yesterday?

Oh, the human spirit, the psyche, the ego... what complicated and beautiful creatures we are... especially in concert with our 4-legged friends.

Memories are made, friendships are strengthened, emotional maturity is tested.

But the magic continues to stir the fire in the hearts of these riders, these learners, these animals to be the best they can be, to achieve at greater heights even if only within the individual.

The lines blur between teacher and student and isn't that the truth of life....

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