Monday, June 29, 2009

Powderhorn Hike

Our first morning in Palisade finds us heading back up the mesa in search of a little alpine adventure. Winding our way up, we found ourselves questioning just where one might actually ski around here... Continuing around the bend, we came across our first wildlife siting... a Whistle Pig! And a well fed one at that:)

We parked at the base lodge, dawned our hiking boots and set out up the slopes of Powderhorn Mountain (after some gentle reminders from the shop owners about the moose and bear). Of course my imagination gets the best of me as we begin to find evidence of some 4-legged hiking buddies. So... I wonder what was sleeping here?
After our hike, we stopped at a wonderful vineyard and winery called Canyon Winds.... a beautiful facility..... we relaxed and continued to unwind as we left our work lives further and further behind.

Ahh, yes, the bennie's of a convertible:)

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